
A colonoscopy is an endoscopic assessment of the large bowel using a fibre optic camera on a flexible tube. This diagnostic tool is commonly used to evaluate gastrointestinal symptoms, such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, and changes in bowel habits.

When assessing the large intestine, the doctor may notice changes within the bowel wall such as polyps, diverticular disease, inflammation and other irregular findings. As a result, the doctor may choose to biopsy the area of interest and this will be sent off to pathology for review.

Will there be any discomfort?
The procedure often requires bowel preparation, which can be slightly uncomfortable. Bowel preparation involves emptying the bowels in order for the doctor to get a clear view of the colon. 

Is any anaesthetic needed?
To make the procedure more comfortable a sedative injection or a light anaesthetic will be given. Our specialist practitioners are here to support you with any questions you may have regarding your procedure. 

For enquiries or bookings, please contact us on 1300 888 608 for a confidential chat.


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